Dauphin Castle


dauphin castle

Pontgibaud, Puy-de-Dome department, France
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12th century

The castle owes its name to the coat of arms of the person who built it in the 12th century: Robert I, Count of Auvergne, on whose arms was a dauphin.
The castle has been occupied since 1756 by the family of a King's musketeer, Cesar I de More. The present owners, the Count and Countess Gabriel de Germiny, are his descendants. The castle, garden and museum are open to the public.

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Reviews and impressions

Robert and Monique Pouget - 2025

A visit not to be missed. Wonderful restoration of the castle. The site is rich in history and has an interesting connection with the silver mines of the region. Monsieur Le Comte and Madame La Comtesse de Germiny are charming hosts.

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