Stolzenfels Castle is a former medieval fortress castle turned into a palace, near Koblenz on the left bank of the Rhine.
Schloss Stolzenfels (3-D) lateral movement stereo
Stolzenfels Castle Stolzenfels Castle (German: Schloss Stolzenfels) is a former medieval fortress castle ("Burg") turned into a palace, near Koblenz on the left bank of the Rhine, in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. Stolzenfels was a ruined 13th-century castle, gifted to the Prussian Crownprince, Frederick William in 1823. He had it rebuilt as a 19th-century palace in Gothic Revival style. Today, it is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site Upper Middle Rhine Valley.
Startrails in Oberlahnstein
Schloss Stolzenfels
Der Romantische Rhein Schloss Stolzenfels
Lahnstein Schloss Stolzenfels auf der anderen Seite des Rheins. Castle Stolzenfels on the other side of the river Rhine.
. Vor dem Burgtor von Schloss Stolzenfels
Kind Koblenz-1 Stolzenfels Castle is probably the best known of the Rhine castles rebuilt by the Prussian royal family during the Romantic age. Crown prince, later King Frederick William IV was given the ruin of the castle, which had been begun in the 13th century, as a present. He had it rebuilt by 1842 as a summer residence under the direction of the Berlin architects Karl Friedrich Schinkel and Friedrich August Stüler.
Kick-ass KD Kruise-29 Just a few kilometres from the centre of Koblenz rises the Stolzenfels Castle in the district of the same name, high above the left bank of the Rhine. Built in the 19th century from the ruins of a 13th century fort, the castle with its park and gardens is culturally, historically and artistically one of the most important achievements of Prussian Rhine Romanticism. The Stolzenfels fort, built by Trier Archbishop Arnold von Isenburg, was used for levying the Rhine toll until 1412. The French destroyed the fort in 1689 during the Palatinate War of Succession. The site became the possession of the city of Koblenz after Napoleon’s defeat. The city then gave the ruins to the Prussian Crown Prince Friedrich Wilhelm in 1823. He then commissioned well-known architect, Karl Friedrich Schinkel, with the reconstruction which began in 1836 to Schinkel’s plans. The official opening was celebrated in 1842 with a grand costume ball. From this point on, the Stolzenfels Castle was open to the public and has always been regarded as the epitome of Rhine Romanticism. Today the beautiful, seemingly enchanted castle where you can experience the impressive domestic culture of the 19th century can be reached on foot via a serpentine path from the Stolzenfels city district.
Stolzenfels Castle Stolzenfels Castle near Koblenz, Germany.
585,1 l Schloss Stolzenfels Koblenz 2016 02 Rheinkilometer 585,1 linksrheinisch Koblenz-Stolzenfels Oberes Mittelrheintal - Upper Middle Rhine Valley - Vallée du Rhin moyen supérieur - Boven Middenrijndal - Valle superiore del Medio Reno - Valle Superior del Medio Rin Schloss Stolzenfels - Stolzenfels Castle - Château Stolzenfels - Slot Stolzenfels - Castello Stolzenfels - Castillo Stolzenfels Internet: Geschichte • 1242-1259 wurde Burg Stolzenfels von dem Trierer Erzbischof Arnold von Isenburg zur Kontrolle der Lahnmündung erbaut. Ein weiterer Grund zum Bau mag auch gewesen sein, dass das Erzbistum Mainz auf der gegenüberliegendn Rheinseite an der Lahnmündung wenige Jahre zuvor die Burg Lahneck hatte erbauen lassen. Beide Burgen erhielten im 14. Jh. das Recht auf Erhebung von Rheinzöllen. • 1689 wird die Burg im Pfälzischen Erbfolgekrieg zerstört. Sie blieb zunächst Ruine und Steinbruch. • 1823 schenkt die Stadt Koblenz die Burgruine dem späteren Preußenkönig Friedrich Wilhelm IV. • 1836-1842 wird sie nach Plänen Johann Claudius von Lassaulx, Karl Friedrich Schinkel und Friedrich Ludwig Persius im Stil der rheinischen Spätromantik wieder aufgebaut als Wohnsitz für König Friedrich Wilhelm IV.. Mehr ansehen - Klick here for a large View! -> Information und Geschichte über Schloss Stolzenfels -> DE -> EN -> FRâteau_de_Stolzenfels -> NL -> IT -> ES Information und Geschichte über Koblenz-Stolzenfels -> DE -> DE Rhein - Rhine - Rhin - Rijn - Reno - Rin Deutschland - Germany - Allemagne - Duitsland - Germania - Alemania
585,1 l Schloss Stolzenfels Koblenz 2016 01 Rheinkilometer 585,1 linksrheinisch Koblenz-Stolzenfels Oberes Mittelrheintal - Upper Middle Rhine Valley - Vallée du Rhin moyen supérieur - Boven Middenrijndal - Valle superiore del Medio Reno - Valle Superior del Medio Rin Schloss Stolzenfels - Stolzenfels Castle - Château Stolzenfels - Slot Stolzenfels - Castello Stolzenfels - Castillo Stolzenfels Internet: Etwa 5km südlich von Koblenz befindet sich in 80m Höhe oberhalb der Ortschaft Kapellen das Schloß Stolzenfels (Stadtplan). Es ist eines der kostbarsten Werke der Neugotik und strahlt mit seinem ockerfarbenem Anstrich, den Springbrunnen und den ummauerten Gärten eine italienische anmutende Heiterkeit aus. Mehr ansehen - Klick here for a large View! -> Information und Geschichte über Schloss Stolzenfels -> DE -> EN -> FRâteau_de_Stolzenfels -> NL -> IT -> ES Information und Geschichte über Koblenz-Stolzenfels -> DE -> DE Rhein - Rhine - Rhin - Rijn - Reno - Rin Deutschland - Germany - Allemagne - Duitsland - Germania - Alemania
Historic Stolzenfels Castle near Koblenz Germany Stolzenfels Castle is a former neo-gothic medieval fortress turned into a palace, near Koblenz on the left bank of the Rhine, in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. A digital photo painting. Print Size 8x10 inches. Happy Fence Friday
Stolzenfels, a neo-gothic castle on the Rhein, Koblenz Germany Stolzenfels Castle is a former neo-gothic medieval fortress turned into a palace, near Koblenz on the left bank of the Rhine, in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. Print Size 13x19 inches.
Schloss Stolzenfels overlooking the River Rhein near Koblenz, Germany Koblenz is an ancient city in central Germany across the River Rhine from Lahnstein and a gateway to the terraced vineyards and ruined castles of the Rhine Gorge. Stolzenfels Castle is a former neo-gothic medieval fortress turned into a palace. Print Size 13x19 inches.
The Romantic German castle Stolzenfels in Koblenz Germany A digital painting. Koblenz is an ancient city in central Germany across the River Rhine from Lahnstein and a gateway to the terraced vineyards and ruined castles of the Rhine Gorge. Stolzenfels Castle is a former neo-gothic medieval fortress turned into a palace. Print Size 13x19 inches.
Lahnstein - Rhine The valley of the Rhine seen from the 14th floor of a hotel in Lahnstein. Schloss Stolzenfels (Castle Stolzenfels) is seen in the backdrop. In the 13th century the castle protected a toll station. Destroyed in 1689, during the Nine Years' War, the ruin was used as a quarry during the 18th century. In 1823, the ruin was given as a gift to Frederick William IV of Prussia. In 1822, the Rhineland had become a province of Prussia. Frederick William, who had traveled along the Rhine, had been fascinated by the beauty and romance of the valley. So Frederick William had the castle rebuilt as a Gothic Revival palace.
0630 Schloss Stolzenfels - Sailing the Rhine OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA