The Alcazar of Toledo is a stone fortification located in the highest part of the city of Toledo. Once used as a Roman palace in the 3rd century, it was restored under Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor and his son Philip II of Spain in the 1540s. In 1521, Hernan Cortes was received by Charles I at the Alcazar, following Cortes' conquest of the Aztecs.
Alcázar of Toledo Part of the site: Historic City of Toledo Description: "Successively a Roman municipium, the capital of the Visigothic Kingdom, a fortress of the Emirate of Cordoba, an outpost of the Christian kingdoms fighting the Moors and, in the 16th century, the temporary seat of supreme power under Charles V, Toledo is the repository of more than 2,000 years of history. Its masterpieces are the product of heterogeneous civilizations in an environment where the existence of three major religions – Judaism, Christianity and Islam – was a major factor." Date of inscription: 1986 Reference:
Alcázar of Toledo the Alcázar of Carlos V and Felipe II was essentially destroyed in 1936 when Toledo was a battleground during the Spanish Civil War The rebuilding was not, shall we say, 100% historically accurate,_Casiano_Alguacil_(cropped).jpg Toledo by night Toledo, Spain 27 Nov. 2012 camera: Panasonic DMC-ZS8 P1140701
Alcázar de Toledo has been a seat of power since the days of the Roman Emperor; Romans, Visigoths, Arabs, the medieval Castilian monarchs... Ferdinand and Isabella Carlos V met Pizarro and Cortes here when they returned from their 'adventures' in the New World. Famous site of a siege during the Civil War in which it was all but destroyed 20221019_121808
Yacimiento arqueológico musealizado / Edad de bronce-Edad media archaeological site: Bronze Age-Middle Ages Museo del Ejército ✫ Alcázar de Toledo Toledo, Spain 20221019_122351
Alcázar de Toledo 20221019_121808 polish app
Torreón Trastámara ( Siglos XIV-XV ) (The House of Trastámara ruled Castile from 1339 to 1516 and Aragon from 1512 to 1516) archaeological site Alcazar of Toledo Museo del Ejército ✫ Alcázar de Toledo Toledo, Spain 20221019_123746 the Alcazar of Toledo
Alcázar de Toledo the word alcazar comes from the Arabic «Al Qasar» which in its turn comes from the Latin «castrum» (fortress) (edit: perspective correction attempt) 20221019_121823 the Alcazar of Toledo
(as I recall, this was some ancient well) archaeological site Alcazar of Toledo Museo del Ejército ✫ Alcázar de Toledo Toledo, Spain 20221019_123829
Toledo y el Puente de Alcántara Toledo, capital de Castilla-La Mancha y ciudad de las tres culturas. Su casco histórico fue declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad en 1986. Se conoce como ciudad imperial por haber sido sede de la Corte con Carlos I. También la ciudad de las tres culturas por haber sido poblada por cristianos, judíos y musulmanes. En el año 1561 la Corte se trasladó a la ciudad de Madrid hasta la actualidad. Toledo, capital of Castilla-La Mancha and city of the three cultures. Its historic center was declared a World Heritage Site in 1986. It is known as the imperial city for having been the seat of the Court with Carlos I. Also the city of the three cultures for having been populated by Christians, Jews and Muslims. In the year 1561 the Court moved to the city of Madrid until today. CUADERNO DE APRENDIZAJE: Se han realizado los ajustes básicos en Camera RAW y posteriormente se ha pasado la fotografía a Photoshop CC donde se le han realizado diversos ajustes. Con Photoshop CC utilizando la acción del maestro José María Mellado, experto en Photoshop, se ha aplicado un enfoque según textura. Se ha aplicado el filtro Color Efex Pro 4 de Nik Collection en concreto el Filtro BrillIance/Warmth. Se han aplicado capas de Curvas sobre las máscaras de luminosidad de Luces y Sombras utilizando el Panel de Tony Kuyper. USO DE LOS FILTROS: Se han utilizado dos filtros, sobre el objetivo un Densidad Neutra de 10 pasos soberbio de B+W alemán, al que se le ha acoplado un polarizador. Con ellos se ha podido aumentar el tiempo de exposición hasta los 20 segundos. COPYRIGHT: ©️ Anselmo Torneiro Rodríguez. CÁMARA Y OBJETIVO: Canon 5D Mark IV. Canon EF 24-70 mm f2.8 L II USM. FILTROS UTILIZADOS EN LA FOTOGRAFÍA: Polarizador B+W XS-Pro Käsemann MRC nano 82mm. Densidad Neutra ND de 10 pasos B+W 810 ND 3.0 MRC nano XS PRO Digital 82 mm. PARÁMETROS DEL TRIÁNGULO DE EXPOSICIÓN: abertura: f/8 velocidad: 20s iso: 100 longitud focal: 24mm trípode: Gitzo Systematic GT3543LS Carbon eXact 1V2A1653
Toledo desde el Puente de Alcántara Imagen desde el Puente de Alcántara sobre el río Tajo. Toledo, capital de Castilla-La Mancha y ciudad de las tres culturas. Su casco histórico fue declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad en 1986. Se conoce como ciudad imperial por haber sido sede de la Corte con Carlos I. También la ciudad de las tres culturas por haber sido poblada por cristianos, judíos y musulmanes. En el año 1561 la Corte se trasladó a la ciudad de Madrid hasta la actualidad. Image from the Alcántara Bridge over the Tagus River. Toledo, capital of Castilla-La Mancha and city of the three cultures. Its historic center was declared a World Heritage Site in 1986. It is known as the imperial city for having been the seat of the Court with Carlos I. Also the city of the three cultures for having been populated by Christians, Jews and Muslims. In the year 1561 the Court moved to the city of Madrid until today. CUADERNO DE APRENDIZAJE: Se han realizado los ajustes básicos en Camera RAW y posteriormente se ha pasado la fotografía a Photoshop CC donde se le han realizado diversos ajustes. Con Photoshop CC utilizando la acción del maestro José María Mellado, experto en Photoshop, se ha aplicado un enfoque según textura. Se ha utilizado el filtro Silver Efex Pro 3 de Nik Collection para convertir la imagen al blanco y negro. Se han aplicado capas de Curvas sobre las máscaras de luminosidad de Luces y Sombras utilizando el Panel de Tony Kuyper. USO DE LOS FILTROS: Se han utilizado dos filtros, sobre el objetivo un Densidad Neutra de 10 pasos soberbio de B+W alemán, al que se le ha acoplado un polarizador. Con ellos se ha podido aumentar el tiempo de exposición hasta los 13 segundos. COPYRIGHT: ©️ Anselmo Torneiro Rodríguez. CÁMARA Y OBJETIVO: Canon 5D Mark IV. Canon EF 24-70 mm f2.8 L II USM. FILTROS UTILIZADOS EN LA FOTOGRAFÍA: Polarizador B+W XS-Pro Käsemann MRC nano 82mm. Densidad Neutra ND de 10 pasos B+W 810 ND 3.0 MRC nano XS PRO Digital 82 mm. PARÁMETROS DEL TRIÁNGULO DE EXPOSICIÓN: abertura: f/8 velocidad: 13s iso: 100 longitud focal: 24mm trípode: Gitzo Systematic GT3543LS Carbon eXact 1V2A1655 BN
Puerta de Alcántara en el Puente sobre el río Tajo Puerta de Alcántara sobre el Puente de Alcántara, de origen árabe fue construida en el siglo X. Tuvo gran importancia en la Edad Media y sufrió varias modificaciones en la época cristiana. Toledo, capital de Castilla-La Mancha y ciudad de las tres culturas. Su casco histórico fue declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad en 1986. Se conoce como ciudad imperial por haber sido sede de la Corte con Carlos I. También la ciudad de las tres culturas por haber sido poblada por cristianos, judíos y musulmanes. En el año 1561 la Corte se trasladó a la ciudad de Madrid hasta la actualidad. Puerta de Alcántara over the Puente de Alcántara, of Arab origin, was built in the 10th century. It was of great importance in the Middle Ages and underwent several modifications in the Christian era. Toledo, capital of Castilla-La Mancha and city of the three cultures. Its historic center was declared a World Heritage Site in 1986. It is known as the imperial city for having been the seat of the Court with Carlos I. Also the city of the three cultures for having been populated by Christians, Jews and Muslims. In the year 1561 the Court moved to the city of Madrid until today. CUADERNO DE APRENDIZAJE: Se han realizado los ajustes básicos en Camera RAW y posteriormente se ha pasado la fotografía a Photoshop CC donde se le han realizado diversos ajustes. Con Photoshop CC utilizando la acción del maestro José María Mellado, experto en Photoshop, se ha aplicado un enfoque según textura. En este caso he utilizado el método de Nik Collection mediante el filtro Silver Efex Pro 3 para la conversión a blanco y negro. Se han aplicado capas de Curvas sobre las máscaras de luminosidad de Luces y Sombras utilizando el Panel de Tony Kuyper. USO DE LOS FILTROS: Se han utilizado dos filtros, sobre el objetivo un Densidad Neutra de 10 pasos soberbio de B+W alemán, al que se le ha acoplado un polarizador. Con ellos se ha podido aumentar el tiempo de exposición hasta los 13 segundos. COPYRIGHT: ©️ Anselmo Torneiro Rodríguez. CÁMARA Y OBJETIVO: Canon 5D Mark IV. Canon EF 24-70 mm f2.8 L II USM. FILTROS UTILIZADOS EN LA FOTOGRAFÍA: Polarizador B+W XS-Pro Käsemann MRC nano 82mm. Densidad Neutra ND de 10 pasos B+W 810 ND 3.0 MRC nano XS PRO Digital 82 mm. PARÁMETROS DEL TRIÁNGULO DE EXPOSICIÓN: abertura: f/8 velocidad: 13s iso: 100 longitud focal: 24mm trípode: Gitzo Systematic GT3543LS Carbon eXact 1V2A1662 BN
Alcázar de Toledo y Muralla Toledo, capital de Castilla-La Mancha y ciudad de las tres culturas. Su casco histórico fue declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad en 1986. Se conoce como ciudad imperial por haber sido sede de la Corte con Carlos I. También la ciudad de las tres culturas por haber sido poblada por cristianos, judíos y musulmanes. En el año 1561 la Corte se trasladó a la ciudad de Madrid hasta la actualidad. Toledo, capital of Castilla-La Mancha and city of the three cultures. Its historic center was declared a World Heritage Site in 1986. It is known as the imperial city for having been the seat of the Court with Carlos I. Also the city of the three cultures for having been populated by Christians, Jews and Muslims. In the year 1561 the Court moved to the city of Madrid until today. CUADERNO DE APRENDIZAJE: Se han realizado los ajustes básicos en Camera RAW y posteriormente se ha pasado la fotografía a Photoshop CC donde se le han realizado diversos ajustes. Con Photoshop CC utilizando la acción del maestro José María Mellado, experto en Photoshop, se ha aplicado un enfoque según textura. En este caso se ha utilizado en Camera RAW los deslizadores del panel blanco y negro para ir corrigiendo los distintos tonos de color al blanco y negro. Se han aplicado capas de Curvas sobre las máscaras de luminosidad de Luces y Sombras utilizando el Panel de Tony Kuyper. USO DE LOS FILTROS: Se han utilizado dos filtros, sobre el objetivo un Densidad Neutra de 10 pasos soberbio de B+W alemán, al que se le ha acoplado un polarizador. Con ellos se ha podido aumentar el tiempo de exposición hasta los 20 segundos. COPYRIGHT: ©️ Anselmo Torneiro Rodríguez. CÁMARA Y OBJETIVO: Canon 5D Mark IV. Canon EF 24-70 mm f2.8 L II USM. FILTROS UTILIZADOS EN LA FOTOGRAFÍA: Polarizador B+W XS-Pro Käsemann MRC nano 82mm. Densidad Neutra ND de 10 pasos B+W 810 ND 3.0 MRC nano XS PRO Digital 82 mm. PARÁMETROS DEL TRIÁNGULO DE EXPOSICIÓN: abertura: f/5.6 velocidad: 20s iso: 100 longitud focal: 44mm trípode: Gitzo Systematic GT3543LS Carbon eXact 1V2A1656 BN
Alcázar de Toledo Toledo, capital de Castilla-La Mancha y ciudad de las tres culturas. Su casco histórico fue declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad en 1986. Se conoce como la ciudad imperial por haber sido sede de la Corte con Carlos I. También la ciudad de las tres culturas por haber sido poblada por cristianos, judíos y musulmanes. En el año 1561 la Corte se trasladó a la ciudad de Madrid hasta la actualidad. Toledo, capital of Castilla-La Mancha and city of the three cultures. Its historic center was declared a World Heritage Site in 1986. It is known as the imperial city for having been the seat of the Court with Carlos I. Also the city of the three cultures for having been populated by Christians, Jews and Muslims. In the year 1561 the Court moved to the city of Madrid until today. CUADERNO DE APRENDIZAJE: Se han realizado los ajustes básicos en Camera RAW y posteriormente se ha pasado la fotografía a Photoshop CC donde se le han realizado diversos ajustes. Con Photoshop CC utilizando la acción del maestro José María Mellado, experto en Photoshop, se ha aplicado un enfoque según textura. En este caso se ha utilizado el método de Russell Brown consistente en crear dos Capas de ajuste de Tono/Saturación para convertir la imagen al blanco y negro. La imagen se ha convertido al modo escala de grises. Previamente a la imagen se le ha aplicado una corrección del balance de blancos, lo ideal era usar una carta de color, pero he localizado los puntos gris, blanco y negro, utilizando una máscara de capa de Umbral, posteriormente una vez localizados los tres puntos, he corregido el balance con una capa de Curvas. Se han aplicado capas de Curvas sobre las máscaras de luminosidad de Luces y Sombras utilizando el Panel de Tony Kuyper. USO DE LOS FILTROS: Se han utilizado dos filtros, sobre el objetivo un Densidad Neutra de 10 pasos soberbio de B+W alemán, al que se le ha acoplado un polarizador. Con ellos se ha podido aumentar el tiempo de exposición hasta los 8 segundos. COPYRIGHT: ©️ Anselmo Torneiro Rodríguez. CÁMARA Y OBJETIVO: Canon 5D Mark IV. Canon EF 24-70 mm f2.8 L II USM. FILTROS UTILIZADOS EN LA FOTOGRAFÍA: Polarizador B+W XS-Pro Käsemann MRC nano 82mm. Densidad Neutra ND de 10 pasos B+W 810 ND 3.0 MRC nano XS PRO Digital 82 mm. PARÁMETROS DEL TRIÁNGULO DE EXPOSICIÓN: abertura: f/6.3 velocidad: 8s iso: 100 longitud focal: 70mm trípode: Gitzo Systematic GT3543LS Carbon eXact 1V2A2041 BN
Alcázar of Toledo Source:,_Spain Toledo is a city and municipality located in central Spain; it is the capital of the province of Toledo and the autonomous community of Castile–La Mancha. Toledo was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1986 for its extensive monumental and cultural heritage. Toledo is known as the "Imperial City" for having been the main venue of the court of Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, and as the "City of the Three Cultures" for the cultural influences of Christians, Muslims and Jews reflected in its history. It was also the capital from 542 to 725 AD of the ancient Visigothic kingdom, which followed the fall of the Roman Empire, and the location of historic events such as the Visigothic Councils of Toledo. Toledo has a long history in the production of bladed weapons, which are now common souvenirs from the city. People who were born or have lived in Toledo include Brunhilda of Austrasia, Al-Zarqali, Garcilaso de la Vega, Eleanor of Toledo, Alfonso X, Israeli ben Joseph, Halevi, and El Greco. As of 2015, the city had a population of 83,226 and an area of 232.1 km2 (89.6 sq mi). Source: The Alcázar of Toledo (Spanish: Alcázar de Toledo) is a stone fortification located in the highest part of Toledo, Spain. Once used as a Roman palace in the 3rd century, it was restored under Charles I (Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor) and his son Philip II of Spain in the 1540s. In 1521, Hernán Cortés was received by Charles I at the Alcázar, following Cortes' conquest of the Aztecs. Most of the alcázar was rebuilt, or restored, between 1939 and 1957 after the Siege of the Alcázar of the Spanish Civil War.
Alcazar of Toledo & Puente de Alcantara Source:,_Spain Toledo is a city and municipality located in central Spain; it is the capital of the province of Toledo and the autonomous community of Castile–La Mancha. Toledo was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1986 for its extensive monumental and cultural heritage. Toledo is known as the "Imperial City" for having been the main venue of the court of Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, and as the "City of the Three Cultures" for the cultural influences of Christians, Muslims and Jews reflected in its history. It was also the capital from 542 to 725 AD of the ancient Visigothic kingdom, which followed the fall of the Roman Empire, and the location of historic events such as the Visigothic Councils of Toledo. Toledo has a long history in the production of bladed weapons, which are now common souvenirs from the city. People who were born or have lived in Toledo include Brunhilda of Austrasia, Al-Zarqali, Garcilaso de la Vega, Eleanor of Toledo, Alfonso X, Israeli ben Joseph, Halevi, and El Greco. As of 2015, the city had a population of 83,226 and an area of 232.1 km2 (89.6 sq mi). Source: The Alcázar of Toledo (Spanish: Alcázar de Toledo) is a stone fortification located in the highest part of Toledo, Spain. Once used as a Roman palace in the 3rd century, it was restored under Charles I (Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor) and his son Philip II of Spain in the 1540s. In 1521, Hernán Cortés was received by Charles I at the Alcázar, following Cortes' conquest of the Aztecs. Most of the alcázar was rebuilt, or restored, between 1939 and 1957 after the Siege of the Alcázar of the Spanish Civil War. Source: The Puente de Alcántara is a Roman arch bridge in Toledo, Spain, spanning the Tagus River. The word Alcántara comes from Arabic القنطرة (al-qanţarah), which means "bridge". Located at the foot of the Castillo de San Servando, it was built by the Romans after they founded the city. In the Middle Ages it was one of the few entrances for pilgrims into the city. It currently has two arches. There is evidence of its construction in Roman times, at the founding of Toletum. It was damaged and rebuilt in the 10th century, at which time a third arch disappeared, reduced to a gate with a horseshoe arch. It was one of the only bridges that gave access to the city and in the Middle Ages it was the obligatory entry for all pilgrims. During the reign of Alfonso X of Castile it suffered serious damage and was rebuilt. The western tower belongs to this period, later decorated under the reign of the Catholic Monarchs, whose arms decorate its walls. The fruit of the pomegranate (the emblem of Granada) is missing from them, because the Reconquista had not finished at that time. The eastern tower was replaced by a Baroque triumphal arch in 1721, because of its ruinous state. It was declared a national cultural monument in 1921. The bridge should not be confused with either the Alcántara Bridge in Alcántara or the Alconétar Bridge in the Extremadura region, both Roman bridges are situated further downstream.
Alcazar of Toledo Source:,_Spain Toledo is a city and municipality located in central Spain; it is the capital of the province of Toledo and the autonomous community of Castile–La Mancha. Toledo was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1986 for its extensive monumental and cultural heritage. Toledo is known as the "Imperial City" for having been the main venue of the court of Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, and as the "City of the Three Cultures" for the cultural influences of Christians, Muslims and Jews reflected in its history. It was also the capital from 542 to 725 AD of the ancient Visigothic kingdom, which followed the fall of the Roman Empire, and the location of historic events such as the Visigothic Councils of Toledo. Toledo has a long history in the production of bladed weapons, which are now common souvenirs from the city. People who were born or have lived in Toledo include Brunhilda of Austrasia, Al-Zarqali, Garcilaso de la Vega, Eleanor of Toledo, Alfonso X, Israeli ben Joseph, Halevi, and El Greco. As of 2015, the city had a population of 83,226 and an area of 232.1 km2 (89.6 sq mi). Source: The Alcázar of Toledo (Spanish: Alcázar de Toledo) is a stone fortification located in the highest part of Toledo, Spain. Once used as a Roman palace in the 3rd century, it was restored under Charles I (Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor) and his son Philip II of Spain in the 1540s. In 1521, Hernán Cortés was received by Charles I at the Alcázar, following Cortes' conquest of the Aztecs. Most of the alcázar was rebuilt, or restored, between 1939 and 1957 after the Siege of the Alcázar of the Spanish Civil War.
Toledo early in the morning Alcázar the emblem of the collision of two opposite orthodoxies.
Postcards from Europe: Toledo View of Toledo, Spain. Alcántara bridge over the Tagus river, with the Alcázar in the background. Vista de Toledo, en España. El puente de Alcántara sobre el rio Tajo, con el Alcázar al fondo.
Alcázar of Toledo Toledo, Spain 27 November 2012 camera: Sony DSC H90 DSC03293
Ciudad de las Tres Culturas
El Alcazar de Toledo.
El Alcazar de Toledo
Torre del Alcazar de Toledo
Torres del Alcazar de Toledo
El Alcazar de Toledo al completo