Todi Castle


todi castle

Todi, Umbria, Italy
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12th century

TodiCastle is part of the True Umbria Estate and is a located c. 15 km south of the town of Todi; it is surrounded by a large estate that includes several other Historical buildings, including some villas.
TodiCastle was built during Roman times, in order to protect the Colonia Julia Fida Tuder (Todi Roman name) for the southern boundary line. Several additional towers were built from the 10-13th centuries and the original tower was incorporated into a now larger fort or Rocca. There were three towers in the corners and a large bastion wall to protect the wide territory. Todi flourished in the 13th century.
The TodiCastle has always been an important monument in the region ever since it was built, and now the stories and legends attached to it (according to many legends, there are still ghosts of medieval soldiers which haunt the castle) only add to its fascination for many tourists who visit the region.

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