Featherstone Castle
★★★★☆Featherstone Castle, a Grade I listed building, is a large Gothic style country mansion situated on the bank of the River South Tyne about 3 miles (5 km) southwest of the town of Haltwhistle in Northumberland.
In modern times, Featherstone Castle was converted to a residential conference and activity centre for young people and students.
In modern times, Featherstone Castle was converted to a residential conference and activity centre for young people and students.
Reviews and impressions
David Isherwood
I was here 65 years ago. Schoolfriend spent 4 weeks with group of French boys to improve each others language knowledge. I swam in the Tyne and we saw the Edinburgh tattoo. Near the castle are the ground remains of a German POW Camp. U-boat Otto Kreschmer was there for a time. I was 12. The trains still ran through F/stone Station.
Teresa Featherston Gwaltney
I would love to visit the castle! I am fascinated by the heritage, and proud to be from the Featherston lineage!
JoAnna Perkinson Byrd
I was told that I was a 11th DESCENDANT of this "FEATHERSTONE CASTLE". MY DAD"S first cousin researched and published a BOOK of 700 YEARS of the PERKINSON FAMILY HISTORY. THE NAME OF THE BOOK IS "GOOD MORNING...MR. FEATHERSTONE?" by EULA T. PERKINSON , Copyright 1983. Very interesting and informative Book and job well done!!!
Sheila Featherston Durham
I want to come visit the Castle once in my life, I do Ancestry & would love to see where my family originated.