Citadel of Carcassonne


citadel of carcassonne
Photo Gallery

Carcassonne, France
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4th century

The medieval Citadel of Carcassonne is located on a hill on the right bank of the River Aude, in the south-east part of the city proper. Founded during the Gallo-Roman period, the citadel derives its reputation from its 3 kilometres (1.9 mi) long double surrounding walls interspersed by 52 towers.
The town of Carcassonne has about 2,500 years of history and has seen the Romans, Visigoths, Saracens and Crusaders. The citadel was restored at the end of the 19th century and in 1997 it was added to UNESCO's list of World Heritage Sites.

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Reviews and impressions

Malachi Lewis

This is a great amazing castle

Phil Bennett

Great castle and fortress, well preserved, and impressive!
We stayed in the city for 2 nights at the Orient Express Hotel Le Cite. It was excellent. Highly recommended!



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